New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Monday asked the Center to file its reply on a plea seeking mandatory registration of movable and immovable property of people to check corruption, generation of black money, and ‘benami’ transactions. There has been a demand to link the documents with the Aadhaar number. A bench of Chief Justice Justice Satish Chandra Sharma and Justice Yashwant Verma gave four weeks time to the ministries of Finance, Law, Housing and Urban Affairs and Rural Development to file their replies to the petition. The bench orally said, ‘It is a good case and let the reply come.’
It said that further hearing in the matter would be held on July 18. During the hearing, Additional Solicitor General Chetan Sharma along with Central Government Standing Counsel Manish Mohan, representing the Centre, termed the issue as important. Petitioner and advocate Ashwini Upadhyay said it is the duty of the state to take appropriate steps to curb corruption and confiscate ‘benami’ properties acquired through illegal means to send a message that the government is fighting corruption and generation of black money. Committed to fighting.
The election process will be affected, effect of black money and benami transactions
The petition states, “If the government links assets with Aadhaar, it will increase the annual progress by two percent. It will rectify the election process, which is dominated by black money and benami transactions. In an affidavit filed in the matter in 2019, the Delhi government had said that Aadhaar would be used as proof of identity for property registration and land mutation. accepted as such, but it is only an optional requirement and there is no provision in the law to make it mandatory.