New Delhi: Parliament TV’s account on YouTube has been hacked. Parliament TV has confirmed this in an official statement. Parliament TV has said in its official statement that on February 15 at 1 pm, some mischievous elements carried out unauthorized activities due to which the YouTube channel of Parliament TV was hacked. The hacker also changed the name of the channel. It was renamed Ethereum on YouTube. However, Parliament TV’s social media team soon started working on it and it was made operational in the early hours.
According to the statement of Sansad TV, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has also taken cognizance of this incident and warned Parliament TV. CERT deals with matters like cyber security in India. Later YouTube also took cognizance of the security attack and is looking into the matter with urgency. Very soon this matter will be settled.
Parliament TV showing something like this on YouTube after hacking. Parliament TV showing something like this on YouTube after hacking.
Complaint to youtube
Earlier, many things were being said on social media regarding Parliament TV. These include talk of closure for allegedly violating YouTube’s community guidelines. The hacker hacked Parliament TV and changed its name to “Ethereum” which is a cryptocurrency. Officials say that this issue has been raised with YouTube. An official said that something like hacking has happened. He said that a complaint has been made to YouTube and they are watching it. Screenshots of Sansad TV’s YouTube account are being shared on social media which read, “This account has been suspended for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.”
E-mail notice before closing
When Parliament TV Live is opened on YouTube, a 404 error pops up. After this, there is a message in which it is written that this video is no longer available on YouTube. However, nothing has been said from YouTube about why YouTube has suspended Parliament TV. According to the YouTube guidelines, when a video is removed from the YouTube platform, before it is sent an e-mail to the owner of the channel, explaining the reasons for the closure.