New York: There has been a stir in the whole world about the new variant of Coronavirus Cases in the USA, Omicron Variant. Within a month of the first case of Omicron, this variant has spread to more than 100 countries of the world. Omicron has also increased the rate of hospitalization of children in some countries.
The New York State Department of Health said in a statement on Friday, ‘A large number of new patients have been admitted to pediatric hospitals associated with Covid-19. The hospitalization rate of children in New York City has increased four-fold. The department said that half of these children are under the age of five. Patients in this age group are still ineligible for the vaccine.
According to data from Johns Hopkins University, in the last seven days, an average of 190,000 new cases are being reported in the US every day. At the same time, there are reports of children getting infected with Omicron from Texas, America. According to US media, Dr. Jim Versalovic, co-chairman of Texas Children’s Hospital, says that the rate of admission of people under the age of 18 in his hospital has doubled during the past week.

Doctors found that the hospitalization rate of children under the age of 5 has increased in the US after the Omicron outbreak. Doctors found that a common thing among children admitted to the hospital is that most of the children’s parents were unvaccinated.
According to UNICEF, in 82 major countries of the world including India, out of the total 34 lakh deaths due to corona so far, only 0.4 percent (about 12 thousand) have been of children. This figure includes adolescents and children under the age of 20. Out of these 12 thousand deaths, 58 percent of the deaths have occurred in the age group of 10-19 years. At the same time, out of 12 thousand deaths, 42 percent of the deaths have occurred in the age group of 0-9 years. Till 22 December, there were more than 27 crore cases of Kovid in the world and more than 53 lakh deaths had occurred.