Now you can book LPG Gas Cylinder from your mobile at home, save the numbers on your mobile

lpg cylander

New Delhi: The gas cylinder is good news for consumers. Now you can book LPG Gas Cylinder from your mobile at home. For this you need to go somewhere or be upset. Government oil companies are offering WhatsApp and SMS to customers for refilling LPG. Customers of Bharat Gas Cylinder, Indane Gas Cylinder, and HP Gas Cylinder, one of the largest petroleum companies in India, can easily avail this facility and order cylinders from home.


Here are five different ways to book LPG gas cylinders
1 By talking to a gas agency or distributor.
By calling 2 mobile numbers
3 Online booking by visiting the website
4 By sending a text to the company’s WhatsApp number
5 By downloading the Indane app

Customers of Bharat Gas Book Cylinder like this

  • For booking Bharat Gas, you have to save 1800224344 (Bharat Gas Whatsapp Booking number) in your mobile.
  • After saving the number you have to go to WhatsApp. Then open the saved Bharat Gas i.e. Bharat Petroleum smart line number.
  • Then send Hii, Hello on WhatsApp. The reply will come soon, which will be welcomed by the agency on WhatsApp.
  • Whenever you have to book a cylinder, just send it by typing Book on WhatsApp. As soon as you send the book in writing, you will get the order details and on which day the cylinder will be delivered, it will also come by writing on WhatsApp.

Inden Gas customers book cylinder like this

  • Indane Gas customers can book on 7588888824 (Indane Gas Whatsapp Booking number).
  • The consumer saves this number 7588888824 on mobile.
  • Then open WhatsApp. Open the saved number and send Book or REFILL # from your registered number.
  • REFILL # will be answered as soon as the order is completed.
  • In the reply, the date of delivery of the cylinder booking will also be written.

This is how HP customers can book cylinders

  • HP customers save this number 9222201122 (HP Gas Cylinder Whatsapp Booking number 9222201122) in your mobile.
  • After saving this number, open WhatsApp and open the saved number.
  • Write and send the book on the number of the saved HP gas cylinder.
  • Order details will come on WhatsApp as soon as you send a book to this number of HP Gas from your registered number.
  • It will have full details including the delivery date of the cylinder.

Register your number
Let me tell you you can only book a gas cylinder with the number you have registered with the agency. You cannot book a gas cylinder without registering.
