Women forced to walk 2 K.M for water, water crisis deepens in Nashik, watch video

water crisis nashik

Nashik: Although at this time there is an atmosphere of rain in Maharashtra in the midst of the heat of April, like every year in Nashik, this time also people have to face the problem of water during the summer days. In fact, the water crisis has deepened in different areas of Nashik these days. People have to travel long distances to fetch water. The local people are demanding the government provide water facilities. People are getting drinking water with great difficulty.

Forced to walk 2 km for water
The proof of this is the tribal people of Bordhapada village, who even after so many years of independence are forced to walk 2 km to get drinking water. The people here say that there is no water in the village for the last month. People have to go for about 2 kilometers to get water. The people of the village have demanded water and road from the government.

In fact, amidst the water crisis in Nashik, the tribal people of Bordhapada village are walking 2 km to fetch water from the well. In this regard, a local woman said, “There are 2 wells in our village, but they have dried up. That’s why we have to bring water from the bottom of the hill which is 2 km away. We walk 2 km to fetch water and during this time many women are getting hurt. We demand the administration to give us water facility as soon as possible.

water crisis nashik

A Ground Water Survey and Development Agency survey in 2022 revealed that 213 villages in 15 blocks of Pune, Nashik, Dhule, Jalgaon, Nandurbar, and Amravati districts may face drinking water shortages from April. At the same time, a decline of 1-2 meters in the groundwater level was observed in these villages in September last year as compared to the average water level in September in the last five years. In addition, there was also a monsoon rainfall deficit of over 20% in 2021. In such a situation, it is bound to disturb the local people here.
