Wellington: New Zealand took a “symbolic” step in declaring a Climate Change Emergency on Wednesday in support of more than 30 countries. 76 MPs voted in favor of the proposal to declare a climate emergency while 43 opposed it. At the same time, the government launched a new initiative under which many public sector agencies will have to reduce their carbon emissions by 2025. For this, she can abandon the coal-based boiler and start using the electric car.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said that the government usually declares a state of emergency for things like natural disasters, but if we do not pay attention to climate change, such disasters will continue to come. He said that by making this announcement, we are taking cognizance of the burden that is going to fall on the coming generations. “It would be real for them,” Ardern said. This is for the country in which future generations are about to be born. And it is about the debt that will fall on them if we do not decide on this issue right now. ”
This announcement has not been made under any new law nor has any fund been released for it. This is only a symbolic emergency, but the Prime Minister and other members of the legislature have supported the declaration. “Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing humanity and it is committed to reducing global warming,” the declaration said.