New Delhi: If you are waiting for the Edit button in Facebook Messenger, then there is good news for you. Because soon the company is giving such a button to the users. Such a button is coming soon in Facebook Messenger. This new feature of Facebook Messenger is currently being tested. A screenshot of this has surfaced. Developer and reverse engineer Alessandro Paluzzi have revealed the edit button in Facebook Messenger. However, no official information has been given by Meta regarding this feature yet.
Instagram features now in Messenger
Meta launched a new mode for its two social platforms Messenger and Instagram a few days back. Whose name was named Vanish. The Vanishing Mode coming on Facebook Messenger and Instagram is like the upcoming feature of WhatsApp disappearing. Vanish Mode is currently live in the US and a few other countries on Facebook Messenger and Instagram. With Facebook’s Vanish feature, you can decide whether to delete any of your messages automatically or not.
Cannot save sent message
Also, messages sent in Vanish Mode cannot be saved. Also, no one can answer by citing this. Messages sent in Vanish Mode do not appear in the Chat history. Vanish Mode is only for Live Chatting. After the new update, you will have to Swipe Up on any chat. You have to swipe down to exit Vanish Mode. Vanish mode can be used for text chatting, picture, photo, gif files, etc.