Netflix’s new feature will end hassle of users! You will able to transfer your profile


Popular video streaming app Netflix has announced a new feature Profile Transfer for its users. Under this feature, users will be able to easily find their viewing history, save a list of favorite videos and shows, and save games, and other settings on the new profile when they create a new account. That is, now users will not have the fear of losing their old viewing history and list of their favorite movie shows on creating a new account and it can be easily switched.

Users already subscribed to Netflix will now be able to create their new account, and the special thing will be that they will not need to create a new profile and will be able to easily shift the profile.

If you create your account under the membership of a friend or family member, then when you take your own membership, then you will be able to easily switch all your personal data to your own membership. Netflix has told that users can turn on the ‘Transfer Profile’ option. For this, the user will have to drop down the menu visible on the homepage of the app.


Ads will appear soon
Apart from this, Netflix is ​​also preparing to bring an ad plan i.e. advertisements can also appear at the time of video playback. It is being said that Vibration is doing this to increase revenue.
Right now when you are streaming a video on Netflix, ads do not appear in it.

Now Netflix is ​​going to bring a ‘Basic With Ads’ streaming plan in which ads will be shown in the beginning and middle of the video. This plan will be brought to some countries on November 3. It is being said that these add-ons will be of 15-30 seconds. However, the real information will be known only after the plan is presented.
