Mumbai: The quiz show hosted by Amitabh Bachchan appears on KBC 12 with many interesting contestants taking part. So far only one contestant reached the question of 1 crore but he decided to quit the game as he did not know the answer. But now this game show has got the first millionaire. The name of this contestant is Nazia Nasim. However, the episode has not been released yet but a video of Nazia has surfaced. In which Amitabh Bachchan is asking him a question of 7 crores (KBC Question) and he is also seen praising Nazia.
In fact, a video has recently been shared on Sony TV’s Twitter account. In which a glimpse of the upcoming episode of KBC is shown. In this video, contestant Nazia Naseem is seen on the hot seat in front of Amitabh Bachchan. In this video, it is seen that Amitabh Bachchan is saying in his loud voice that she has won Rs. 1 crore. Nazia is shocked to hear this and puts her hand over her mouth in surprise. On the other hand, her parents are probably sitting behind her in the audience, who are standing and applauding their daughter’s achievement. Watch the video here-
While in this video it is seen that Amitabh Bachchan is also getting up from his seat and applauding. After this Amitabh Bachchan is also asking the question of 7 crores. On which Nazia is saying that she has taken many risks in life and is ready to take another risk. However, it is a mystery whether Nazia can answer the question of 7 crores or not. However, KBC has got its first millionaire of the season as a Nazi. The episode will be released on November 11.