Mysterious disease is spreading rapidly in Canada, many people become ill, 5 people died so far

Mysterious disease is spreading rapidly in Canada

Ottawa: A mysterious mental illness is spreading rapidly in Canada. More than 40 cases have been reported so far. According to the CBC report, five people have died in Canada so far due to the disease. The disease is said to be similar to the dreaded brain disorder Cruise Feld-Jacob (CJD).

Especially the disease of cows is named ‘Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy’ (BSE). This brain disease affects the central nervous system of the cow. This cow is spread by a protein called prion. Because of this the cow can become nervous or violent. Therefore, it is also called cow-crazy disease. CJD is a variant of this disease.

This means if a person eats cow meat affected by BSE, he may have CJD. According to the CBC report, the first case of this mysterious disease was revealed in the year 2015. Since then, these cases are continuously increasing. In the year 2020, 24 people were found to be suffering from this disease and so far this year, 6 cases of this disease have been reported.

Mysterious disease is spreading rapidly in Canada

Talking about the disease, Mayor of the Canadian city of Bertrand Von Godin said that since Corona, people have started worrying about such diseases. He said that people are very worried. They are asking if it is spreading by rats? Or from deer? Or from another animal? Like Corona, will there be many measures to be taken regarding this disease as well? Many such questions are in the minds of people.

At present there is no treatment of CJD and so far 177 people have died due to this disease. The case of a British child from the CJD first came to light in 1996 when the child died after eating a beef burger.
