Mumbai: Shocking revelations have come to light in the police investigation of Mumbai’s Mira Road murder case. The police have got many important clues from the mobile of the accused. According to police sources, accused Manoj Sane had planned to kill his live-in partner Saraswati after watching a web series on OTT. According to sources, the accused Shraddha was influenced by the murder case, but before killing Saraswati, he had seen a web series, and on the basis of that he made this plan to kill. Not only this, but he had also searched Google several times regarding how to decompose the body after the murder.
According to police sources, when the police searched the search history of the accused, they got this important information. Accused Manoj Sane had also taken a photo of Saraswati’s dead body after killing her. The police found this photo in the mobile of the accused. In this photo, the police have found marks of assault on Saraswati’s body in many places. According to police sources, after photographing Saraswati’s dead body on June 4, the accused cut it into different pieces with a cutter machine on June 5. He had put them in three buckets.
‘Saraswati used to doubt coming home late, this became the reason for her death Police’s big disclosure in Mira Road murder
According to police sources, the accused told during interrogation that he had taken photographs of the dead body to preserve the memories of Saraswati. Whenever he remembered her, he used to see the photo. According to police sources, Saraswati’s sisters had once explained to her to separate from Manoj and not marry, but she did not agree. According to police sources, 10 percent of Saraswati’s body is missing. However, what are those parts, it will be clear only after the forensic report comes.