Kovid-19: Center asked states to strictly follow the guidelines regarding quarantine at home.


New Delhi: The central government has asked the states to ensure that its guidelines on indigenous isolation are fully implemented to prevent the spread of the corona virus. An official statement said on Friday that the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on May 10 issued revised guidelines on quarantine habitat, which are still in effect.

According to the guidelines, patients with mild symptoms of Kovid-19 can live separately at home for which the patient has a room and toilet facility and an adult person is present to take care of him. Also, the patient should agree to monitor his health and inform his health regularly to the District Monitoring Officer. The government said that an important subdivision in the revised guidelines is that the doctor treating the patient should agree to live separately at the patient’s home after medical examination and assessment of his / her residence.

It states that the patient will have to give an affidavit on a separate residence and follow the guidelines to stay at home separately. It added, “There have been some incidents in this regard where quarantine has been allowed at home in some states and the amended guidelines clauses have not been fully adhered to.” The center said that it could spread the infectious disease among family members and neighbors. The Ministry of Health has requested states to ensure strict implementation of ground level guidelines to prevent the spread of Kovid-19 global epidemic.

In a letter to the states, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Love Agarwal said, “We are following the policy of investigating, detecting and isolating the people in contact and if the guidelines issued are fully This will not be possible if not adhered to. ” “It is reiterated that by people living in cramped habitats in urban areas, opting for an isolated habitat, the patient can spread the infection to family members and neighbors.” In this context, we request strict implementation of the guidelines at the grassroots level if we remain isolated at home. ”
