Now less than a month is left for Pitru Paksh to begin. Pitru Paksha is the time when our ancestors are on the earth and we get their blessings by doing Shraddha Karma. In Hinduism, it is considered very important to perform Shraddha after death. It is believed that if his ancestors are not duly worshiped, then they do not get freedom from this world and they keep wandering in this world as ghosts. Therefore, Shraddhapaksha is very important for the liberation of fathers. Let’s know when this year is Pitru Paksha in 2020, Shraddha List, Importance of Pitra Paksha, and Shraddha Method

Importance of Pitru Paksha
According to the Brahma Vaivarta Purana, before pleasing the Gods, a man should please his ancestors. Pitra dosha is believed to be one of the most complicated horoscope defects. Pitra paksha shradh is performed every year from Bhadrapad Shukla Purnima to Ashwin Krishna Amavasya for the peace of the ancestors.
During this time, for some time, Yamraj frees the fathers so that he can receive shradh from his family. It is believed that the people of the house whose fathers are happy with their family members also get blessings of the Gods and Goddesses. In our country, elders are given equal importance to God, that is why they are posthumously performed Shraddha Karma.
According to the scriptures, people who are not happy with Pitra get the curse of Pitra Dosh. It is believed that the members of the house where curse of Pitra dosha is never happy and neither do they get success in life. For this reason, ancestors are offered in Pitra Paksha and shrama is offered to them.
Pitru Paksha Shraddha Method
- On the day of Shraddha Karma, the seeker should wake up early in the morning and bathe and wear unstitched clothes.
- Include sesame, rice and barley exclusively in Shraddha
- After this, make your fathers’ favorite food and offer sesame seeds to them
- After offering sesame, make pind of the food of the ancestors and offer them
- After this, after feeding your nephew and Brahmin, give them clothes and Dakshina.
- At the end of Shraddha, the crows must be fed, because in the Pitra Paksha, the crow is considered to be the form of ancestors.
Pira paksha start Date
Start Date – 1 September 2020
End Date – 17 September 2020