Mumbai: Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani starrer Satyaprem Ki Katha have crossed the Rs 100 crore mark worldwide. The filmmakers gave this information on Tuesday. Full of music, romance, and drama, the film is directed by National Award winner Sameer Vidwans. Sameer was critically acclaimed for the 2019 Marathi drama Anandi Gopal.
According to reports, the story of the film Satyaprem’ grossed Rs 2 crore on Sunday, taking its total to Rs 68.06 crore in India and over Rs 100 crore worldwide. For which the makers thanked the audience for their love and positive response. Produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and Namah Pictures, the film also stars Gajraj Rao, Supriya Pathak, and Rajpal Yadav. The pairing of Karthik Aryan and Kiara Advani has been liked a lot in the film. Earlier this pair has been seen in the film Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2.