Mumbai: Filmmaker Karan Johar on Tuesday announced his new book ‘The Big Thoughts of Little Luv’ and said that he wrote this book inspired by his experience with his twins. Johar became the father of two twins Yash and Ruhi in 2017 with the help of surrogacy. In his book, he has talked about the challenges faced during the upbringing of children due to the distinction between the boy and the girl who was already imposed.
He announced on Twitter that Jagranaut Books would publish the illustrative book. Johar tweeted, “I want to share something special with you all … my book ‘The Big Thoughts of Little Love’ is coming soon. Thanks to Twinkle Khanna for meeting Chick Sarkar. The book will be published by Juggernaut Books. ” Johar also shared a video with his two children, in which he is seen showing some glimpses of the book. This book is about the story of two children Luv and Kush.