New Delhi: Justin Narayan, touted to be one of the best contestants in MasterChef Australia 13, has won the title of the year, beating out fellow finalists Kishwar Chowdhury and Pete Campbell. The 27-year-old was elated after picking up the top prize, taking home a whopping USD 250,000 (Rs 1.86 crore) in prize money, along with the coveted MasterChef trophy. “I feel incredibly honoured and humbled to have that title and to be able to win this competition. I’m genuinely going to take a week to process this and let it sink in, and then I’ll, like, write you an email, let you know how I feel,” he said.
Justin had talked about his journey on the show. “It is a very humbling experience and I am absolutely honoured to be a part of it. I’m going to be a sponge and try to enjoy as much of it as I can,” the first-gen Australian with Fijian and Indian heritage, had shared.
Justin managed to build a huge fan base because of his style of cooking, composure during high-stress situations and creativity. Fans have enjoyed watching him perform his tasks in many episodes. But when we asked about his favourite experiences on the show, he said, “One of my all-time favourite dishes was the charcoal chicken and toum, it’s super delicious and reminds me of a lot of good times with a lot of good mates. My favourite challenge was definitely cooking at Andy’s Three Blue Ducks restaurant. That kitchen was unreal and running a real service, very addictive.”