Ukraine, women parliamentarians, and ordinary citizens including children also took up arms

ukraine people took arms

Kyiv: How serious the situation in Ukraine remains can be gauged from the fact that the people present in the government and the common citizens have also taken up guns and for this, the government is providing the people.

In Ukraine, where photos of people dying in war and people running away to leave the country are coming to the fore in Ukraine, on the other hand, some such photos are becoming viral in social media in which people ranging from Russian parliamentarians to children are seen taking up arms. are. During the war with Russia, a woman parliamentarian from Ukraine has also taken up arms. The name of the MP is Kira Rudick.

Sharing the photo on Twitter, Kira Rudik wrote that I am learning to shoot a gun. Now it has become necessary to take up arms to save the country. He wrote that it all seems like a dream because till a few days ago I did not even think about it, but now that the situation is so difficult, the women of Ukraine will also protect their land like men.

After the photo went viral on social media, Kira said that I never thought that I too would ever have to take up arms. He said that there is a huge difference between us and the army taking up arms. We have not taken up arms to occupy someone else’s land, but it is for the protection of our land and ourselves.

Let us tell you that Ukraine’s President Zelensky, weakening in front of Russia’s military might, had asked his citizens to take up arms to defend the country. Even though there are reports of talks between Russia and Ukraine, but still the situation between the two countries remains very tense.

To take on the Russian army, Ukraine has now handed over machine guns to the citizens of Ukraine. According to reports, in order to keep the capital Kyiv safe, the government of Ukraine has given about 18,000 machine guns to the general public. Along with this, Ukraine has now banned people between the ages of 18 and 60 from leaving the country.

According to reports coming from Ukraine, Ukrainian boys and girls have been practicing guns and fighting since Russia’s attack. It is estimated that some 400,000 Ukrainians may have had considerable war experience during Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the former Moscow-backed armed insurgency.

Ukraine’s Interior Ministry said that 18,000 machine guns have been given to the general public to protect the capital Kiev. The mayor of Kyiv said that now the local people are also ready to fight with the Russian army. The government has distributed weapons to the people. Since the attack, there has been a race to buy arms among the people of Ukraine. For the past several days, there have been long lines in Kyiv shops to buy weapons.
