Trump announces new manager of election campaign

U.S. President Trump

Washington: With less than 16 weeks left in the presidential election to be held in November, US President Donald Trump announced Wednesday the name of the new head of his election campaign. The president said in a Facebook post on Wednesday night, “I am pleased to announce that Bill Stepian has been given the role of manager of the Trump campaign.” Stepian replaces Brad Parscale. “Stayed with me for a long time and will continue to play this role as senior advisor to Brad Parscale Publicity Campaign, leading our brilliant digital and data strategies,” Trump said.

“Both were involved in our historic win of 2016 and I am excited to get together for the biggest and most important second victory,” he said. He said, “This time the victory should be very easy because our electoral numbers are growing rapidly, the economy is getting better, vaccines and treatments will soon be out and Americans want safe roads and communities.” Trump’s Democratic Party rival Joe Biden was leading the national election by more than eight percentage points, according to the latest pre-poll poll. According to Fox News, Parscale took Trump’s digital advertising campaign in the 2016 US presidential election and is largely credited with Trump’s victory.

Stepien had existing ties to the Trump campaigns of 2016 and 2020.
He was Trump’s national field director in 2016 and received a promotion to deputy 2020 campaign manager in May.
Between the campaigns, Stepien served as White House political director.
Stepien has had a long career working for Republican campaigns.
He received an undergraduate degree from Rutgers University in New Jersey before working for a number of state and local lawmakers there, according to a profile on Ballotpedia.
Stepien went on to work for President George W. Bush’s re-election campaign in 2004 and worked for both former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former Sen. John McCain during the 2008 election season.
After that, he worked on successful 2009 and 2013 campaigns for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and served as the governor’s deputy chief of staff in between them.
