Scientists discover: Why corona spreads rapidly in some people


Boston (US): Factors such as obesity, age, and the level of Corona Virus infection affect the number of particles of the virus that the infected person exits while exhaling. A study has reported that these factors determine whether the infection will spread very rapidly from an infected person.

The study, published in the journal PNAS, assessed 194 healthy people and studied other animals infected with Covid-19. The team of experts who conducted this study also included researchers from Harvard University in the US.


Researchers reported that how many particles of an aerosol an inhaled person exhales depends on factors such as their age, infection status, and body mass index (BMI). They reported that elderly patients with a high BMI and severely infected patients spread the infection three times faster than other infected.

Researchers report that according to the study, 20 percent of infected people are responsible for 80 percent of infections. He said further studies are needed to explore other factors responsible for the rapid spread of infection.
