Omicron’s ‘tsunami’ in China, infection spread with unbelievable speed

China's Health System Faces Raft of Challenges as Omicron Hits

Beijing: China is facing a ‘tsunami’ of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. A senior official said this on Friday. China has reported more than 20,000 cases of Covid-19 and its largest city Shanghai has been under lockdown for more than three weeks, while the capital Beijing has more than 21 million people, third among a growing list of ‘high-risk areas’. A nucleic acid test is done. The municipal government said on Friday that all residents in Beijing entering public places from Saturday must report within 48 hours that they have not tested positive for COVID-19. The ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) has called a meeting of its Political Bureau to assess the situation as the situation worsens.

On Friday, two communities in Beijing were classified as high-risk and moderate-risk for Covid-19, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. The latest classification brings the total number of high-risk areas in Beijing to six and the number of medium-risk areas to 19. China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told the media here on Friday, ‘We are currently facing Omicron’s tsunami. This form of infection spreads very fast, so fast that we cannot even imagine.


China’s National Health Commission said on Friday that there were more than 20,000 cases of coronavirus infection, of which more than 15,000 cases were reported in Shanghai on Thursday, taking the total number of patients who lost their lives to the infection that has been spreading for almost a month, 337. But has reached. Zhao said that China had controlled the delta form spread in 2021 in about 14 days, but Omicron’s attack is very serious. He was responding to a question in China when the European Union Chamber of Commerce expressed concerns about the state of the world’s second-largest economy.

EU Chamber President George Wutke said in an interview that China’s biggest business hub Shanghai has been under lockdown for a month and China’s economy has fallen drastically. He had said that the ‘Zero Kovid’ policy has brought the country to a dangerous juncture. The third phase of the investigation was conducted in Beijing on Friday. Restrictions have been imposed on the activities of hundreds of communities in the city. Lakhs of people appeared in queues in the morning for investigation. So far such investigation has been done on Monday and Tuesday. After Friday’s test results, Beijing can decide whether to impose a lockdown like Shanghai or not.
