Now Earth trembled in China and Tajikistan, strong earthquake occurred early in the morning

earthquake in tajakistan

Beijing: China has reported a 7.3 magnitude earthquake near the border with Tajikistan. China’s state television CCTV reported on Thursday that an earthquake of about 7.3 magnitudes occurred at around 8:37 am (0037 GMT) near the border of China’s Xinjiang region and Tajikistan.

CCTV said that the epicenter of the earthquake was about 82 km away from the nearest border with China. The tremor was so strong that it was also felt in Kashgar and Artax in the western part of Xinjiang region. According to CCTV, the epicenter of the earthquake was 5 km below the earth’s surface, from where the average height is about 4,655 meters (15,300 ft).

earthquake in tajakistan

Earthquake kills thousands in Turkey and Syria
This earthquake has come at such a time, whereas just a few days ago this disaster shook Turkey and Syria. The powerful earthquake that occurred on February 6 brought a scene of devastation in both countries. More than 44 thousand people lost their lives, while 15 lakh people have become homeless. The intensity of this earthquake in Turkey and Syria was measured at 7.8 on the Richter scale.

Not only this, a devastating earthquake occurred again on February 20 in Turkey and Syria, in which eight people have died so far. Turkey’s disaster management authority said eight people were killed and 294 others were injured, 18 of them in critical condition, after Monday’s 6.4-magnitude earthquake.
