Negative views towards China have increased sharply in developed countries: Survey


Taipei: According to a new Pew Research Center survey, negative attitudes towards China have risen sharply in many developed countries of the world, particularly Australia and Britain. The survey came to light on Tuesday when China is involved in various trade and diplomatic disputes with many countries around the world, including its neighbors. The survey conducted in 14 countries of the world has revealed that most people had unfavorable attitudes towards China. The survey conducted by telephone from June 10 to August 3 included 14,276 adults. According to the survey, 81 percent of people in Australia say their attitude towards China is unfavorable. 24 percent more people think this than last year.


Significantly, Australia demanded an international investigation into the origin of the coronavirus. After this, tensions rose in both countries, China stopped importing beef from Australia, imposed a heavy duty of imported barley/oats from there, and took various other steps. Australia has the highest increase in negative attitudes towards China according to the survey. It has seen an increase in other countries. Those with an unfavorable attitude towards China were 74 percent in the UK, 19 percent higher than last year, 71 percent (15 percent more) in Germany, and 73 percent (13 percent increase) in the US. The 14 countries included in the survey areā€¦ America, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, UK, Australia, Japan, and South Korea. According to the Pew Research Center, several democratic countries polled earlier this year criticized China’s handholding in Hong Kong through a new national security law. One of the most important factors in relation to China’s reputation abroad has been the coronavirus. The virus was found in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year and spread worldwide.

China was initially criticized for not providing information about the virus. The survey found that people had a negative view of how China controlled the coronavirus. Among these 14 countries, 61 percent said China had dealt with the Coronavirus poorly, while 84 percent said that the US had controlled the epidemic poorly. Citizens of the countries involved in the survey do not trust Chinese leader Xi Jinping. 78 percent of the people in the survey said that they did not trust them to do the right thing in world affairs. Those surveyed also do not have a good opinion of US President Donald Trump and 83 percent say they do not trust him. Trump has been one of China’s most outspoken critics, blaming Beijing for the coronavirus.
