Kazakhstan security agency plane crashes, 4 people dead

Kazakhstan security agency plane crashes

Moscow: Four members of the crew of the Kazakhstan Security Agency Crashes were killed and two other members were injured when a Kazakhstan government security agency plane crashed on Saturday. Kazakhstan’s emergency ministry said that the two injured have been admitted to the hospital.

The ministry said the two-engine ‘N-26’ turboprop (An-26 two engine) crashed while landing at the airport in Almaty, Kazakhstan’s largest city. The aircraft did not fly from the country’s capital Noor Sultan and had six crew members on board. Kazakhstan’s National Security Committee said the aircraft belonged to him. He said that an investigation is being done to find out the cause of the plane crash.

Kazakhstan security agency plane crashes

The ‘N-26’ was designed in the 1960s and a number of aircraft of this series were built for military and civilian use, which are used by many countries around the world, including former Soviet countries. Kazakhstan was also previously part of the Soviet Union.
