Coronation of King Charles III, Archbishop crowned the King of Britain, watch video

king charls

London: King Charles III was crowned as the Maharaja of Britain on Saturday evening. Charles III had accepted the title of King of Britain following the death of his mother Queen Elizabeth the previous September. After this, on Saturday evening i.e. May 6, while formally coronating him, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby crowned King Charles III during this time, which is a symbol of the power of the King of England. In this way, at 74, King Charles became the oldest British monarch to sit on the British throne.

Westminster Abbey has been the site of every British coronation since William the Conqueror in 1066, and King Charles III and his wife, Queen Camilla, followed this grand tradition. During this, religious leaders and representatives of Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Buddhist, and Jewish communities were also present.

On this occasion, many guests from all corners of the world also arrived at Westminster Abbey amidst a musical atmosphere. Troops lined up outside the abbey to welcome members of the royal family and various heads of state.

King Charles III wears the crown of St. Edward
King Charles III was crowned St Edward’s Crown in a historic coronation ceremony on Saturday. This Taj is hundreds of years old and dates back to 1661 when it was made for Maharaja Charles II. Queen Elizabeth II, the late mother of King Charles III, wore it during her coronation in June 1953. And the Maharaja’s late maternal grandfather, King George VI, wore the same crown during his coronation in May 1937.

Queen Camilla was also crowned
His wife Camilla was crowned as Queen at Westminster Abbey after King Charles III.

Britain’s Prime Minister Sunak read the Bible on the occasion of the coronation
Following a prayer by the Archbishop of Canterbury, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak read a message from the book ‘Bible of Colossians as per the prescribed tradition. Sunak is Britain’s first Prime Minister of Indian heritage and a devout Hindu. His address, laced with a biblical message, echoed the multi-religious theme of Christian celebrations at Westminster Abbey on May 6.

King Charles III was sworn in as King of Britain
King Charles was sworn in as the Maharaja of Britain on Saturday evening. King Charles III took the oath, saying, ‘I, Charles, solemnly and solemnly in the presence of God do confess, testify, and declare that I am a faithful Protestant and that I will live in true accordance with those Acts. Will act in accordance with the intention which secures the Protestant succession to the throne and will uphold the said Acts to the best of my powers according to law.

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Trudeau walk to Westminster Abbey. Apart from this, Prince Harry and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murthy have also reached Westminster Abbey.

king Charls Corronation

Charles III will be crowned king on Saturday evening in a Christian ceremony in a tradition dating back more than a thousand years. This coronation of the British monarch is a symbolic religious ceremony, in which the priest formally crowns the monarch by actually placing the crown on his head. With this, King Charles III will formally become the head of the Church of England and he receives many rights in addition to the title associated with it.

According to royal tradition, traditional thrones, and thrones are used during the various stages of the coronation in the abbey. During the coronation, King Charles and his wife Queen Camilla will sit on the ‘St Edward’s Chair’, ‘Chairs of State’, and Throne Chairs at different moments. The ‘throne chairs’ were used for the coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth on May 12, 1937.

Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar arrived in London on Friday to attend the formal coronation ceremony of Britain’s new King Charles III. He met Charles III before the coronation ceremony.

Apart from this, America’s First Lady Jill Biden arrived in London on Friday to attend the historic coronation ceremony of King Charles III to be held at Westminster Abbey on Saturday. He was received by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murthy.
