New Delhi: In the current era, the video streaming platform YouTube is not only a better way of earning, but it has also given a platform to show talent to the people. But now YouTubers outside the US will earn less. Actually, till now those who make videos on YouTube do not have to pay tax but will have to pay tax soon. Google has sent a warning to Indian YouTubers by sending a mail. In this, the company has made it clear that after May 31 this year, YouTubers’ earnings will be taxed.
American creators will not have to pay tax
It is a matter of relief that you only have to pay taxes for the views that you have received from American viewers. Also, American creators will not have to pay tax. This means that if you are watching a video of Indian YouTubers in the US, then you will have to pay tax on the earnings from these views.
YouTube’s new tax policy will start from June
Google-owned YouTube’s new tax policy is being implemented from June 2021. In its official communication, Google has also asked video creators to submit tax information to AdSense’s account.
If you do not provide your tax information by May 31, 2021, then the company will deduct 24% of your total earnings. In the case of India, if you give information about tax, then your tax will be reduced by 15 percent on the views received from American viewers.