Indian Passport Climbs to 82nd Spot on Global Index: Visa-Free Access to 58 Countries

Henley Passport Index 2024

New Delhi: The Indian passport has ascended to the 82nd position in the latest annual global passport index, granting Indians visa-free entry to 58 countries, including popular destinations such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand.

According to the most recent ranking by the UK-based Henley Passport Index, India’s passport has improved its standing to the 82nd spot from the 85th spot. The Henley Passport Index is renowned for its comprehensive ranking of countries based on the travel freedom their passports provide to citizens. This index relies on data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

What is the Henley Passport Index?

The Henley Passport Index is a global ranking that assesses the travel freedom of ordinary passports issued by different countries. It evaluates the number of destinations passport holders can access without requiring a visa.

Singapore Tops the Chart

Singapore has reclaimed its position as the world’s most powerful passport in the latest ranking. Citizens of the city-state now enjoy visa-free access to 195 travel destinations out of 227 worldwide. This achievement sets a new record score for Singapore.

France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Spain have dropped to second place, each providing visa-free access to 192 destinations. A unique seven-nation cohort, including Austria, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, South Korea, and Sweden, now share the 3rd place, with access to 191 destinations without a prior visa.

The UK holds 4th place alongside Belgium, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, and Switzerland, despite a slight decrease in its visa-free destination score to 190. Meanwhile, the United States continues its decade-long decline, falling to the 8th spot with visa-free access to 186 destinations.

Impressive Performances and New Entrants

The UAE has made it into the Top 10 for the first time, significantly improving its visa-free access to 185 destinations since the index’s inception in 2006.

According to IATA, airlines will connect nearly 5 billion people over 22,000 routes on 39 million flights in 2024. The air cargo transported will reach 62 million tonnes, facilitating $8.3 trillion in trade.

Henley Passport Index 2024

Implications for Indian Travelers

The improved ranking of the Indian passport on the Henley Passport Index is a positive development for Indian travelers. With visa-free access to 58 countries, Indians can explore more destinations with greater ease, enhancing travel experiences and fostering international connections.

As global mobility continues to evolve, the Henley Passport Index remains a critical tool for understanding the changing dynamics of travel freedom worldwide.
