Thousands of Devotees Embark on Sacred Amarnath Yatra Amid Tight Security

Amarnath Yatra

Jammu and Kashmir: Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha flagged off the first batch of Amarnath Yatra today, marking the beginning of this revered Hindu pilgrimage. The Yatra, which attracts thousands of pilgrims annually, commenced with fervor and devotion.

Enthusiastic Pilgrims Begin Their Journey

  • Baltal in North Kashmir and Anantnag in South Kashmir witnessed a surge of excitement as the first batch of devotees set out for the Amarnath cave temple.
  • Amid tight security provided by the forces, pilgrims chanted ‘Bam Bam Bhole’ and ‘Har Har Mahadev’, invoking blessings for a safe and auspicious journey.
  • Manoj Sinha, in a heartfelt prayer, invoked the blessings of Baba Amarnath, wishing happiness, peace, and prosperity for all pilgrims.

Enhanced Security Measures

  • The 52-day pilgrimage will follow two routes:
    • The 48 km long Puranic Nunwan-Pahalgam route in Anantnag.
    • The 14 km long Baltal route in Ganderbal.
  • A convoy of 231 vehicles carried the pilgrims from both base camps in Kashmir to the 3,880-meter-high Amarnath cave temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva.
  • CRPF personnel have been deployed to ensure the safety of pilgrims throughout the journey.
  • Over the past three to four years, security arrangements have been significantly improved.

Comprehensive Arrangements

  • Three-tier security, area control, detailed route deployment, and check posts have been meticulously planned to ensure a smooth Amarnath Yatra.
  • Traffic restrictions are in place from June 28 to August 19, with daily advisories to minimize inconvenience.
  • 125 community langars have been set up along both routes, providing essential services to devotees.
  • A dedicated team of 6,000 volunteers is assisting pilgrims, emphasizing the spirit of community and devotion.

As the Amarnath Yatra unfolds, devotees remain steadfast in their faith, seeking blessings and spiritual fulfillment amidst the breathtaking Himalayan landscape
