Supreme Court grants bail to Teesta Setalvad, stays Gujarat HC order

supreme-court-Teesta Setalvad

New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Saturday, July 1 granted interim relief to social activist Teesta Setalvad. While conducting the hearing, the Supreme Court stayed for a week with the High Court order directing Teesta Setalvad to surrender. put. Earlier today, the Gujarat High Court rejected Teesta Setalvad’s regular bail in the case of giving false evidence related to the Gujarat riots and asked her to surrender immediately.

Senior advocate CU Singh, appearing for Setalvad, told the Supreme Court during the hearing on the bail plea that on September 22 last year, his client granted interim bail. He said that Setalvad has not violated any of the bail conditions.

If you had given relief from arrest, would the sky have fallen?
The matter was heard by a bench of three judges. The Supreme Court observed that Setalvad was on bail for ten months. Hearing Teesta Setalvad’s plea for protection from arrest, the court said, “We are surprised by what the High Court has done, (such) worrying urgency.” The Supreme Court said the question is, Would the sky have fallen if the High Court had granted Teesta Setalvad protection from arrest?

During the hearing, the court questioned the denial of time to Setalvad to appeal against the High Court order and said that even an ordinary criminal is entitled to some interim relief.

supreme court

Gujarat HC gave instructions to surrender
The Gujarat High Court on Saturday rejected the regular bail plea of social activist Teesta Setalvad and asked her to surrender immediately in a case related to fabricating evidence to implicate innocent people in the 2002 post-Godhra riots.
