Special health insurance launched for LGBT community and live-in partners


New Delhi: People’s attitude toward the LGBT community is slowly changing after the Supreme Court decriminalized homosexuality. Insurance companies have also started bringing policies keeping in mind the LGBT community. Now Future Generali India Insurance Company Limited Company has announced to bring special health insurance plans for people living in the LGBTQIA+ community and live-in. In order to provide better health insurance coverage to the LGBTQIA+ community, the company has also expanded the definition of family to include the LGBTQIA+ community, live-in partners and live-in relationships.

With this happening, now the members of the community will also be able to take advantage of the health insurance facility like the members of the normal family. This move by the insurance company has paved the way for members of the LGBTQIA+ community and couples living in live-in relationships to get better health insurance coverage. However, at present, special health policies do not cover surgeries like genital reconstruction or sex change.

Value editing services will also be available
The LGBTQIA+ community has also welcomed this decision of the company, saying that much still needs to be done to increase the acceptance of the community members in society. Customers opting for the company’s comprehensive health insurance product – FG Health Absolute will also get value-added services like tele-counselling, webinars on mental and physical health, vouchers for wellness centres, fitness centres, sports and diagnostic centres.

The LGBT community will have a big advantage
According to a report in Indian Express, the Managing Director and CEO of Future Generali India Insurance said that the company has expanded the definition of family for this new product keeping in mind the LGBT community and people living in live-in relationships. This has been included so that the people of this community can also get better health insurance coverage.


Gender change costs will not be covered
Surgery like genital reconstruction or sex change will not be covered in this plan. A representative of the company said that at present treatment related to gender change will not be covered in this policy. The purpose of launching this product is to include members of the LGBTQ community and people living in life in the definition of family.
