Snowfall with rain in many states of the country including Maharashtra, and Gujarat: IMD alert


New Delhi: In many parts of the country, snowfall along with rain can also be seen in the coming time. While rain was witnessed in many states in the last 24 hours, thunderstorms were witnessed at different places in Himachal Pradesh and Sikkim. The Meteorological Department ie IMD has issued an alert regarding rain and snowfall.

IMD issued alert
According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), light to moderate rain and thundershowers are likely at isolated places over West Madhya Pradesh on March 4 and 5. Along with this, information has also been given by IMD that it may rain in East Madhya Pradesh on 5 and 6 March and in Vidarbha on 6 March.

Storm forecast
Not only this, stormy weather (wind speed reaching 40-45 kmph gusting to 55 kmph) is very likely over the Comorin area on March 4 and 5. Weather can be seen in Gujarat from 4 to 6 March. So at the same time, there is a possibility of light rain along with a change in weather in North Maharashtra as well.


Western disturbance
Actually, according to IMD, all this is due to the effect of Western Disturbance. It may be noted that in the last 24 hours, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Baltistan and Gilgit, including Muzaffarabad received heavy rains along with thunder and rain at some places.
