Pharma companies to put QR codes on medicines, Government issued orders

Pharma companies to put QR codes on medicines

New Delhi: To curb the growing production of spurious drugs, the Central Government has issued orders to put QR codes on medicines. The Drugs Control General of India has ordered 300 pharma companies to install QR codes from 1 August 2023. According to the order, the top 300 drug brands in the country will have to put QR codes on their medicines. The drug company will have to pay a fine for not following the DGCI order. Let us know here what is the complete information in detail.

Know which medicines will have a QR code
Tell that the country’s top pharma companies are going to put QR codes on their medicines from today. These include Allegra, Shelcal, Calpol, Dolo and Meftal. The Drugs Control General of India (DCGI) said that any company that does not comply with this order will be punished. The central government has ordered the installation of QR codes on a total of 300 medicines.

What will be the benefit of applying a QR code?
For information, let us tell you that by scanning the QR code, customers can get basic information related to the medicine. The Unique Product Identification Code will identify the drug’s generic name, brand name, manufacturer’s name, the drug’s manufacturing date and expiration date, and the license number of the company that manufactures the drug. In this way, you can avoid taking fake medicines.

Pharma companies to put QR codes on medicines

Know why the Center took such a decision
In fact, the business of counterfeit medicines is increasing day by day in the country. That’s why the government has taken this strict step to curb the growing business of fake medicines in the country. Explain that in November 2022, the central government said that it is in the process of implementing QR codes on medicines. Recently a notification was issued in this regard and it was said that from today i.e. August 1, 2023, the country’s leading pharma company will put a QR code on its medicines. For this, by amending the Drugs and Cosmetics Act of 1940, the government has made it mandatory to install QR codes. This will curb the business of spurious medicines.
