No relief from ever-increasing inflation, know impact of the epidemic on the market

inflation sep

New Delhi: There will be no relief from the ever-increasing inflation this year i.e. even in 2022. Its effect will not only be seen on the common people but the market will also be affected by it. In a survey of institutional trading clients of JP Morgan, it has been said that this year also the impact of inflation will be the most on the global market.

JP Morgan did this survey in November 2021. Of the 718 institutional trading clients involved, about 48 percent say that the market will be the biggest impact of inflation this year. It will play an important role in deciding the direction of the market. All the countries of the world are troubled by inflation. In this survey of last year, it was said that the market was the most affected by the epidemic.

This trend will remain for two years
13 percent of the people involved in this survey believe that economic dislocation and epidemic will be the other such factors, which will have the biggest impact on the market after inflation. Trading through electronic channels has seen a tremendous increase in recent years. Traders belonging to all the asset classes included in this survey say that the same trend will be seen in the next two years as well.

Market volatility
According to Scott Walker of JP Morgan, we have had to go through an unusual phase in the last two years due to the epidemic. Clients are doing work from home instead of the office. There is also a lot of volatility in the market. In such a situation, we have seen a huge increase in electronic trading. 29 percent of the traders surveyed say that mobile trading apps will show a significant impact on the market next year. In the future, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can be seen beating mobile tech.

The key role of blockchain
Nearly 50 percent of the traders surveyed said that artificial intelligence and machine learning would emerge as the most important factor influencing the market in the next 3 years of futures trading. 24 percent of the traders surveyed say that blockchain technology will play an important role in shaping the market.
