know the new advisory of ICMR on corona probe, Do not repeat the RT-PCR test


New Delhi: There is a second wave of Coronavirus in the country. During this time, a large number of new Corona Cases are coming out every day. In such a situation, a campaign is going on in the country for Corona Vaccine and Corona Test. Meanwhile, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has issued a new advisory on Tuesday regarding the corona investigation. In this, to reduce the pressure of the lab, it has been said to minimize the RT-PCR probe and increase the rapid antigen probe.

ICMR says that during the second wave of corona virus infection in the country, the laboratories that are testing are working under immense pressure. In such a situation, in view of the increasing Corona case, there is difficulty in meeting the target of investigation. Because some staff of laboratories are also infected.

Major suggestions of ICMR

  1. Those who were found to have an infection in the RTPCR or Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) test should not do the RTPCR test a second time.
  2. There is no need to test patients on leave after recovering from corona infection in hospitals.
  3. In order to reduce pressure in laboratories, the imperative of RTPCR test for healthy people traveling interstate should be completely removed.
  4. People with flu or Kovid 19 symptoms should avoid non-essential travel and interstate travel. This will reduce the spread of infection.
  5. All non-symptomatic people of Corona will have to follow the Kovid Guidelines during the journey.
  6. States are being encouraged to promote RTPCR test through mobile system.

Rapid antigen test reported beneficial
ICMR has stated in its new advisory that the rapid antigen test was adopted in June 2020 for the corona test. At present, it is limited to the Containment Zone and some health centers. The advantage of this test is that the corona is detected within 15 to 20 minutes. In this case, the patient also helps to recover quickly.


Rapid test related suggestions

  1. Rapid antigen tests should be made mandatory in all government and private health care facilities.
  2. RAT booths should be set up in cities, towns, villages for large-scale screening of people.
  3. These RAT booths should be set up in many places in cities and villages. These include school colleges, community centers, vacant places.
  4. Work these booths 24 hours and seven days.
  5. Local administration can also start a drive-through booth at its own level.