In this crisis of Corona, UBER shut down its Mumbai office-sources


New Delhi: After suffering a lot of losses due to the nationwide lockdown, many companies either rented out or closed their offices. According to information received from sources, the US company Uber (UBER), which provides app based taxi service, has decided to close its Mumbai office in India. In the past, food delivery companies, hospitality sector companies and mid-stage startup companies have either closed their offices or rented them out. According to corporate executives and real estate developers, companies are trying to reduce their rent by one third on average.


Uber has recovered to cut expenses. In this period of crisis- Coronavirus Covid 19 UBER has fired 14 per cent of its 3700 employees. Last month, Uber had made a video call to these employees via Zoom and said that the Covid-19 epidemic has become a major challenge. To avoid this, Uber told the employees that we no longer needed them.

Uber, which provides the facility to book taxis from the mobile app, has incurred a loss of $ 2.9 billion in the first quarter of the current calendar year i.e. January to March. The company earned $ 3.54 billion in the first quarter. This is 14 percent more than the same period last year. At the same time, the income of the food delivery business has increased by 53 per cent, because the people sitting at home in lockdown ordered more food.
