Important instructions of ICMR regarding investigation of Coronavirus


New Delhi: Increasing the scope of investigation related to corona virus, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has said that now the screening facility should be made available to every person with symptoms of Kovid-19 across the country on a wide scale.

“The only way to prevent infection and save people’s lives is to investigate, find out the cause of infection and then seek treatment,” said a revised consultation issued by the ICMR on the Kovid-19 investigation Tuesday. Therefore, in every corner of the country, screening facilities should be made available for people with symptoms in a big way. Along with this, the process of preventing the spread of the infection will have to be strengthened further. In its revised investigative strategy, the ICMR recommends a seven-day examination of all those who have returned or migrated from abroad and have an influenza-like illness (ILI). With ILI-like symptoms, patients admitted to hospitals or people living in prohibited areas, all have been advised to undergo an examination.

All employees working to prevent the spread of corona virus infection will also have to be screened, whether they are connected to healthcare or any other service.

The ICMR has asked the administration to equip all government and private hospitals, offices and public sector units with antibody-based COVID-19 screening capability to monitor and eliminate fears of health workers and employees. Earlier, the advisory issued by the ICMR had asked for screening of congested areas, people with ILI symptoms at convenience centers besides the prohibited areas.

The ICMR has also recommended in consultation issued on Tuesday that all medical colleges and hospitals in all prohibited areas, center and state and approved from National Accreditation Board of Hospitals and Healthcare (NABH) and National Testing and Calibration Laboratory Accreditation Board (NABL) The facility of rapid antigen detection test as well as RT-PCR test should be provided in private hospitals and ICMR approved private laboratories.

The advisory stated that all state governments, government and private entities should take all necessary steps to expand the scope of investigation of Kovid-19 using various methods of investigation suggested by ICMR.
