First time in history of England, the number of Christians decreased, Muslims and Hindus increased

Britain religion

London: For the first time in the history of England, the population of Christians has reduced to less than half of the total population of the country. According to the latest census data in England and Wales, there has been a decrease of more than 13 percent in the number of Christians. While the number of Muslims and Hindus has increased. There has also been an increase in the number of people who do not follow any religion.

For the first time in the Office for National Statistics (ONS) 2021 census, less than half of people in England and Wales have described themselves as Christian. In the last census in 2011, 59.3 percent of the people described themselves as Christians, which is now 46.2 percent (27.5 million). That is, a decline of 13.1 percent has been registered in the population of Christians. In 2011, the Muslim population was 4.9 percent (27 lakh), which has now increased to 6.5 percent (39 lakh). There has also been an increase in the Hindu population. In 2011, the population of Hindus was 1.5 percent (8.18 lakh), which has now increased to 1.7 percent (10 lakh). At the same time, there has been an increase of 37.2 percent in the population of atheists who do not believe in any religion, which is more than a quarter.

Britain religion

The census done every 10 years is done by the Office for National Statistics. According to its report, the number of Sikh communities has also increased. In 2011, about 4 lakh 23 thousand Sikhs were present. This means 0.8 percent of the total population, which has now become 0.9 percent (about 5 lakh 24 thousand). The population of Buddhists has also increased in England and Wales. It was 0.4 percent (249,000) in 2011, which increased to 0.5 percent (273,000) last year. There was no change in the population of the Jewish community. It is still intact at 0.5 percent.
