Farmers will stop rail across the country tomorrow to put pressure on central government


New Delhi: The United Kisan Morcha has announced the ‘Rail Roko Andolan’ across the country on yesterday, February 18. Tomorrow from 12 noon to 4 pm, the farmers will stop rail across the country. Farmer leader Manjit Singh Dhaner, who was present on Singhu Border, said that farmers who are sitting on the Tikri, Singhu, and Ghazipur border do not have the duty to stop the rail. The people of the village will stop the rail.

Manjit Singh Dhaner, the head of the Bharatiya Kisan Union (Dakaunada), was asked if any farmer leader associated with the United Kisan Morcha would take part in the ‘Rail Roko Movement’. In response to this question, Manjit Singh said that the peasant leaders should go. Leaders can take part in the rail roko movement to speak, but in the rail roko movement, people will be present where the rail will be stopped.


Delhi Police’s SHO attacked at SINGU border with sword, hospitalized. He said that the last time when Chakka was jammed on 6 February, Delhi, UP and Uttarakhand were exempted, but this time the Rail Roko movement will be conducted across the country. The purpose of the farmers’ rail roko movement is to put pressure on the government. Farmers are constantly demanding that the government withdraw all three agricultural laws and enact a guarantee law on MSP.

The 11th round of talks by the farmer leaders with the government has been fruitless. The government had proposed a proposal to the farmer unions to put a moratorium on the implementation of new agricultural laws for 18 months and also suggested a committee to find a solution to their demands. However, agitating peasant organizations are adamant on repealing the three laws. To stop pressure on the government, the ‘Rail Stop movement’ is being done.
