DRDO director arrested by ATS, suspected of passing information to Pakistan


Pune: ATS has arrested the director of the Defense Research Organization i.e. DRDO in Pune. The ATS suspects that the officer has passed on some sensitive information to Pakistan after being honey-trapped. ATS has registered a case against him in Mumbai. Now Pune Police is probing the matter.

Dr. Pradeep Kurulkar, the director and scientist of Pune-based DRDO arrested by ATS, has been named. ATS sources said that Scientist Pradeep Kurulkar was honey-trapped by a person in the Pakistan Intelligence Operating (PIO). After this, the accused scientist Kurulkar started collecting sensitive information due to fear and started providing it to the person of Pakistan.


Sources told?
The sources also said that the Indian intelligence agencies had come to know in the month of February that the DRDO director had unknowingly been honey-trapped. He is in touch with Pakistan Intelligence Agency in Pakistan through video chat and other social media. After this, this information was given to DRDO.
