Delhi High Court reprimanded the Central Government, said- It seems that the Center wants people to die


New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Wednesday said that it appears that the Center wants people to die as the new protocol for the use of Remdesivir in the treatment of Covid-19, according to the new protocol, is given only to patients dependent on Oxigen.

Justice Pratibha M Singh told the central government, “This is wrong. It seems like the brain has not been used at all. Now those who do not have oxygen facilities will not receive Remedesivir medicine. It seems that you want people to die. “


The High Court said that the Center seems to have changed the protocol itself to make up for the shortage of Remdesivir. The court said, “This is sheer mismanagement.” The court was hearing the plea of ​​a lawyer infected with Covid-19. He had received only three doses of six doses of Remdesivir. Due to the intervention of the court, the lawyer got the rest of the dose on Tuesday (April 27).
