Chief Justice Ramana attacks political parties, they want us to support their agenda


New Delhi: Chief Justice (CJI) N.V. Raman said on Saturday that any party in power in India believes that every act of the government deserves judicial sanction, while opposition parties expect the judiciary to advance their political stand and objectives but “judiciary”. Constitution and is responsible only to the Constitution. He expressed disappointment over the fact that even after 75 years of independence, people have not understood the roles and responsibilities given to every institution by the Constitution.

Chief Justice Ramana said, “As we celebrate the 75th anniversary of independence this year and 72 years since the country became a republic, I would like to say here with some regret that we have taken care of the roles and Haven’t understood the responsibilities yet.” Speaking at a felicitation function organized by the Association of Indian Americans in San Francisco, USA, he said, “The party in power believes that every act of government deserves judicial sanction. At the same time, opposition parties expect the judiciary to take forward their political stand and objectives.

CJI Raman said that this erroneous thinking has been created due to a lack of proper understanding of the people about the Constitution and the working of democratic institutions. He said, “This ignorance being promoted among the common people loudly gives strength to these forces, whose aim is to criticize the only independent institution, which is the judiciary. Let me make it clear that we are responsible to the Constitution and only to the Constitution.”

The CJI said that in order to implement the system of ‘checks and balances’ provided in the Constitution, “we need to promote constitutional culture in India. We need to spread awareness about the roles of individuals and institutions. Democracy is about participation.” He quoted former US President Abraham Lincoln and said that under the Constitution of India it is the people, who have been given the responsibility of pronouncing decisions on the rulers every five years.

The Chief Justice said, “…the people of India have done a remarkable job so far. We should have no reason to doubt the collective conscience of the people. Voters in rural India are more active in fulfilling this responsibility than urban, educated and wealthy voters. He said that India and America are known for their diversity, which needs to be respected and taken forward everywhere in the world.

Addressing the Indian diaspora, he said, “It is only because America respects diversity, that is why you all have been able to reach this country and make a mark with your hard work and extraordinary skills. Please remember. It is the intolerance and inclusive nature of American society that has been able to attract bright people from all over the world, who in turn are contributing to its (America’s) growth. ,

The Chief Justice said that respect for deserving people from diverse backgrounds is essential to uphold the faith of all sections of the society in the system. “This principle of inclusivity is universal. It needs to be respected everywhere in the world including in India. Inclusiveness strengthens unity in society, which is essential for peace and progress. We need to focus on the issues that unite us, not those that divide us. In the 21st century, we cannot allow petty, narrow, and divisive issues to dominate human and social interactions. We have to rise above all divisive issues to remain focused on human development. A non-inclusive approach would invite disaster. ,

Chief Justice of India

The CJI told the people present in the program that they may have become a millionaire-billionaire, but to enjoy the pleasures of wealth, they need peace around them. “Your parents should also have a peaceful society at home (at home), which is free from hatred and violence. If you cannot take care of the well-being of your family and society at home, then what is the use of your wealth and ‘status’ here? You have to contribute better to your society in your own way. What really matters is respect and respect, which you can bring home. This is the real test of your success.
