‘Allahabad High Court slams ‘live-in relationship’ as socially unacceptable and unstable

Grants bail to rape accused

Allahabad High Court

Prayagraj: The Allahabad High Court has expressed its disapproval of ‘Live-in relationship’ as a form of relationship that has no social validity and cannot endure for life. The court made these remarks while giving bail to a man who was accused of raping his live-in partner.

The court said, ‘In a country like India, middle-class morality cannot be overlooked. Our country has a predominantly middle-class population. The stability, social, political, and economic condition of any country depends on the number of middle-class people living in it.

The court cited the example of Pakistan and said, ‘The lack of middle class and middle-class morality in the neighboring country has resulted in social, political and religious unrest there. Most of the problems in Pakistan are due to the absence of a middle class there. Pakistan has only very rich and very poor people in abundance.

The court said, ‘Morality has no place between the rich and the poor because morality perishes in wealth and suffocates in poverty. The very rich have no morality and the poor cannot follow it due to their poverty.

The court said, “Marriage provides security, social acceptance, progress and stability that cannot be found in a ‘live-in relationship’. There is a systematic design to destroy the institution of marriage in the country. Films and TV serials are also contributing to the erosion of the institution of marriage.


The court wrote all these things in the order while granting bail to the man who was in a ‘Live-in relationship’ in this case. This man was charged with rape by his live-in partner. The court said that this is one of those cases, where after enjoying a ‘live-in relationship’, the man leaves and as it happens in most cases, the woman files an FIR and tries to get married.’
