AI company CEO murders her four-year-old son in Goa, arrested by police

AI company CEO murders her four-year-old son

Goa: In a horrific and shocking incident, a woman who works as the CEO of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) company in Chitradurga, Karnataka, killed her four-year-old son in a hotel room in Goa. The woman, identified as Soochana Seth, was reportedly unhappy with the court’s decision to allow her ex-husband to meet their son on Sundays. She decided to take the extreme step of murdering her son, whom she had brought to Goa on the pretext of a vacation.

According to the police, Soochana booked a room in a hotel in Goa on Monday and killed her son with a sharp weapon on Tuesday. She then stuffed his body in a bag and tried to leave the hotel with it. However, the hotel staff became suspicious when they did not see her son with her. They asked her about his whereabouts, but she lied that she had sent him ahead. The staff then checked the room and found blood stains on the bed and the floor. They immediately alerted the cab driver who was taking Soochana and asked him to go to the nearest police station.

The police stopped the cab and searched the bag that Soochana was carrying. They were shocked to find the body of a four-year-old boy inside it. They arrested Soochana and booked her for murder. They also recovered the weapon that she had used to kill her son. The police said that Soochana confessed to her crime and said that she hated her ex-husband and did not want him to see their son. She also said that she did not love her son and considered him a burden.

Soochana and her ex-husband had married in 2010 and had a son in 2019. However, they had frequent quarrels and decided to get divorced in 2021. The court granted them the divorce and also gave the custody of their son to Soochana. However, it also allowed the father to meet his son on Sundays. Soochana, who was a highly educated and successful professional, was unhappy with this arrangement and planned to kill her son to spite her ex-husband.

AI company CEO murders her four-year-old son

The incident has sent shock waves across the country and raised questions about the mental health and the moral values of the mother. The father of the deceased boy is devastated by the loss of his son and has demanded strict punishment for Soochana. The police have registered a case and are investigating the matter further.
