Washington: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said on Thursday that India needs to give itself another stimulus package in the situation arising out of Covid-19 (Coronavirus pandemic). It has brought about health, food, and income to the poor The need for assistance and assistance to enterprises has been specially mentioned. In a video conference with Gerry Rice, Director of the Information Department of the Monetary Fund, said that this multilateral institution was raised by the Government of India to deal with this epidemic. It considers the steps to be correct. It also includes fiscal stimulus steps. These steps have been taken by keeping low-income laborers and poor families at the center. He said, “Relaxation in debt to help financial sector companies and borrowers and We are in favor of the measures that have been taken to increase cash flow. ”Rice said,“ We believe that (in India) there is still more fiscal stimulus, especially for the weaker sections, of health services, food grains, and income. Spending is needed to help and help enterprises. ‘ The spokesperson of the Monetary Fund also called for the early announcement of a credible plan to strengthen the country’s fiscal position in the medium term.

He said that soon it is important to issue a credible plan to improve the fiscal situation and convey it well. Fiscal transparency should also be taken together. This will increase market confidence. Rice said, “We hope that this will strengthen the confidence of the market and it will help in reducing the cost of debt and give a boost to the whole economy.” He said that the coronavirus epidemic has had a huge impact on development and poverty in India. The immediate priority in this unprecedented crisis is to deal with the virus with a coordinated policy. According to reports in India, more than 42 lakh population has been infected with COVID 19. This is the largest number of Sankrites after America. 64 million people have been infected in the US.