New Delhi: In the Commonwealth Games 2022 being held in Birmingham, India got its second gold on Sunday. Indian weightlifter Jeremy Lalrinnunga won the gold medal in the men’s 67kg final. With this, this is India’s fifth medal in the Commonwealth Games.
Jeremy Lalrinnunga lifted a record 140 kg in the snatch, while he managed to lift 160 kg in the clean and jerk. He lifted a total of 300 kg and won the gold medal, setting a record in the Games. During this, he also avoided injury as he appeared to be in severe pain twice during clean and jerk attempts. Jeremy lifted 140kg in his second attempt at the snatch to create a massive 10kg lead over his nearest rival. He started with an effort of 136kg.
Entitled to Gold by lifting 300 kg
Youth Olympics 2018 champion Jeremy dominated the men’s 67kg category with a total of 300kg (140kg and 160kg). He beat Samoa’s Waipawa Niewo Ion 293kg (127kg and 166kg) and Nigeria’s Ididiong Joseph Umoafia 290kg (130kg and 160kg) who bagged silver and bronze medals, respectively. 19-year-old Jeremy from Aizawl holds the snatch (140kg) and total weight (300kg) records for the Games.
Five medals in India’s account
This is India’s fifth medal in weightlifting. Earlier, Mirabai Chanu (Gold), Sanket Sargar (Silver), Bindiyarani Devi (Silver), and Gururaj Pujari (Bronze) won medals on Saturday. National level boxer Lalnehatluanga’s son Jeremy had also tried his hand at boxing but switched to weightlifting as it only required strength to succeed, which attracted him to it.