Beijing: Coronavirus has returned again in China including the whole of Europe. The new variant of Omicron is spreading rapidly in China. In such a situation, lockdown (China Covid Lockdown) has been imposed in many cities. After the Corona case increased, a semi-lockdown was imposed in the financial center of Shanghai as well. In such a situation, the economy is most likely to collapse. Therefore, to help its employees, a company has made arrangements for their food, drink, and living in the office itself.
In Shanghai’s Lujiazui district, about 20 thousand employees, bankers, and businessmen are living in offices. Arrangements have been made for them to sleep here. Sleeping bags have been ordered and arrangements for food have also been made. Let us tell you that a record 4477 cases were reported in China on Tuesday. In such a situation, the economy of China has started getting hurt due to the lockdown in one city after the other.
4 days of lockdown in shanghai city
Under the strategy of a city with a population of 26 million, a lockdown is to be implemented in the first half of Shanghai city for four days and then restrictions are to be imposed in the other part of the city for four days. The objective of this strategy is to conduct effective coronavirus testing of the entire city and to bring under control the biggest corona spread ever.
Employees were called to the office before the lockdown
The city of Lujiazhui in Shanghai is China’s largest market for shares, bonds, and foreign exchange. Last year, more than 2,500 trillion yuan ($292 trillion) of financial transactions took place here. In such a situation, the economy here would have been ruined by the lockdown.

There are 285 office towers
Lujiazui is also in the grip of lockdown due to Corona. More than 20 thousand people work here. According to the local administration, there are 285 office towers in Lujiazui.
Let us tell you that according to the National Health Commission of China, there were two deaths on Friday in Jilin city here. According to data from AFP (Agency France Press), the daily average cases of corona worldwide have increased by 12% compared to last week. That is, new cases have increased to 18 lakhs. In view of the increase in corona cases, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday that the end of the epidemic is still far away.