Toronto: A mysterious illness outbreak has spread in the Canadian province of New Brunswick. Due to which 6 people have died so far. Dozens of people have fallen ill to an unknown brain disease.
According to local media reports, 48 people are currently suffering from this disease. Many people have filed complaints of forgetfulness and confusion due to strange illnesses. Local authorities have also started collecting information about this mysterious neurological syndrome. At present, even doctors are not able to know the cause of this disease. According to the report, the age of six people killed was between 18 and 85.
What are the symptoms of the mysterious disease?
It has been said in the report that the victims have complained of exhaustion in the mind. This disease is increasing anxiety, dizziness, hallucinations, pain, amnesia in people. The local authority has ordered an inquiry. A girl affected by the disease has been told that she has to watch the same TV shows again and again because she cannot keep up with new information. He also lost control of his muscles.
The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) warned late last year about a large batch of unusual neurological cases in the region. The agency has gathered preliminary information by investigating the autopsy. PHAC has said that the province of New Brunswick is now leading the investigation itself. The role of the federal agency will be helpful in this.
At the same time, the patient safety organization ‘Blood Watch’ has raised concerns. He said that it is not yet known how many people are suffering from this mysterious disease and how many will die. The organization has insisted that PHAC should lead the investigation. The federal agency should immediately find the root cause of the disease. Also, all scientific investigation and research should be free from any political interference.