How much danger of heart attack from coronavirus and vaccines? Former Chief Scientist of WHO explained

Saumya Swaminathan

New Delhi: In recent times, many people have been looking at the increasing cases of heart attacks with the Korona virus and the side effects of its vaccine. However, now Soumya Swaminathan, former chief scientist of the World Health Organization (WHO), has given great information about this. He clarified that the risk of a heart attack after Covid infection is 4 to 5 percent more than taking the vaccine.

Saumya Swaminathan said in a conversation with news agency ANI, “It is well established that the risk of heart attacks, diabetes, and stroke increases after the coronavirus infection. The risk of a heart attack after Covid is 4-5% higher than after vaccination. Covid infection is a main risk factor in itself of high attacks that occur after this. ‘

Explain that WHO and many other experts have repeatedly warned that Covid infection can cause many deadly diseases including heart attack, and nervous system failure.

At the same time, how much is the risk of coronavirus infection to the one who installs the covid vaccine? On this question, the former WHO official said that ‘A small risk is that the virus will be muted in such a way that the immunity from the vaccine becomes neutralized against it, so it is necessary to monitor it continuously.

60 percent of COVID patients deteriorated
Earlier, research published in the Journal of Britain’s famous ‘Royal Society of Medicine’ claimed that in 59 percent of patients who have been affected by Covid for a long time, there have been cases of organ malfunction about a year after the initial symptoms occur. These include patients who were not seriously ill after being found infected for the first time.

Saumya Swaminathan

This research included 536 people who were affected by Covid for a long time and during this time they faced difficulty in breathing and other health problems. Researchers said that in 331 patients out of these 536 patients, for the first time, information about not working properly on the limb was revealed six months after the infection was confirmed.

Researchers scanned a 40-minute multi-organ MRI scan on these patients after six months. Its conclusions confirmed that several organs of 29 percent of the patients who have been affected by Covid for a long time deteriorated, while about a year after being infected, one organ of 59 percent of patients stopped working.
