New Delhi: The Delhi High Court on Tuesday asked the Center to give reasons, why contempt proceedings against Covid-19 patients for not being able to serve the order on supply of oxygen for treatment Not to be started?
The court said, “You can hide your head in the sand like an ostrich, we will not do that.” Don’t you know about these things? ” A bench of Justices Vipin Sanghi and Rekha Palli also rejected the Centre’s contention that Delhi is not entitled to 700 metric tonnes of medical oxygen in the light of the existing medical infrastructure.
The bench said, “We are witnessing this frightening reality every day that people are not getting oxygen or ICU beds in hospitals, the number of beds has been reduced due to low gas supply.”
The court directed two senior officials of the central government to appear before the court on Wednesday to respond to the notice.
The bench said that the Supreme Court’s detailed order of April 30 shows that it had directed the Center to provide 700 metric tonnes of oxygen and not just 490 metric tonnes.
The bench said that the Supreme Court has already given orders, now the High Court is also saying that the Center will have to supply 700 metric tons of oxygen to Delhi every day.