New Delhi: The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has released new guidelines for International Passengers coming from other countries on Sunday. These new guidelines will come into force from 12.01 minutes on 8 August. According to the new guidelines, all passengers have to fill a self-declaration form at http://newdelhiairport.in at least 72 hours before their scheduled journey. It has been said by the Ministry that this information has also been given on the portal that passengers will have to stay in the mandatory 14-day quarantine after returning. There will be 7 days institutional quarantine for which he will have to bear the expenses himself, while 7 days he will be in Home Isolation where he will be constantly monitoring his health.

According to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, only problems, such as pregnancy, death in the family, serious illness or parents below 10 years of age, will be allowed to stay home quarantined. After arriving, even after submitting the negative report of RTPCR test, one can get exemption from institutional quarantine. This must be done within 96 hours before the test trip. Prior to the journey, the agencies will give a list of do’s and don’ts to the passengers along with the ticket, in which it will be explained in detail that what the passengers can do or not.
All travelers have been suggested to download the Arogya Setu app on their phones.
These things have to be taken care of
Only patients without symptoms will be allowed to go after screening at the time of boarding. People coming from the ground will also have to follow these rules. All rules of social distancing have to be followed even during boarding. During the journey, those who have not filled the self declaration form will have to fill it in the flight and copy it to the health and immigration authorities.
It is very important to wear a mask in flight, keep the surroundings clean and your hands clean. Flight or ship crew members will take care of this continuously.
These rules will have to be accepted after arriving
After reaching the destination, one has to go out taking care of social distancing. It is mandatory to conduct thermal screening with the concerned authorities at the airport, seaport, and land port. The passenger who shows symptoms will have to remain in Isolation with immediate effect and will be provided medical help. Those who have been exempted from institutional quarantine after thermal screening will have to disclose it at the respective state counter before the 14-day home quarantine.
On seeing any symptoms, the person concerned should have told the District Surveillance Officer.