Raipur: Anil Mishra, Jagdalpur. Now Google will translate from Hindi to Gondi and Gondi to Hindi just like Hindi to English translation. For this, Microsoft, CGNET Swara, and Naya Raipur-based Triple IT has developed software for Google. By the end of August, Google will launch this tool.

Interactive Neural Machine Translation (INMT) for Hindi-Gondi translation has been developed by Araka Manikrao of Telangana, Ranuram Markam of Chhattisgarh and Ravindranath of Odisha. The agreement was signed in 2019 between Microsoft Research Lab, CGNet Swara and the International Institute of Information Technology (Triple E) of Naya Raipur. CGNet is a social organization striving for peace in Swara Bastar that operates mobile-based radio stations in remote tribal areas.
The convenor of the institution, Shubhranshu Chaudhary, says that the government is unable to connect with the general public in the ongoing fight between security forces and Naxalites in Bastar because the government system does not know Gondi language. The most important thing in this fight is to win public confidence. The public can be reached only through Gondi. CGNet is continuously working towards this objective. In six states Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Telangana, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, about one crore twenty lakh people communicate in Gondi language.
CGNet standardized more than three thousand words of Gondi by meeting society heads of all states a year ago. Shubhranshu says that the main work of tool development has been done during the corona lockdown. Nearly one and a half hundred people of Gondi speaking states have prepared more than 35 thousand sentences in the last four months by translating Hindi books into Gondi. Triple E student Anurag Shukla has given technical support to build the tool for Google.
Instrumental in language development
Shubhranshu says that in the new education policy of the government, there is a plan to study in local languages. His institution is also doing Gondi translation of primary level books. Demand for inclusion of Gondi language in the eighth schedule of the constitution is also continuously rising. It is expected that having Gondi in mobile will develop the language.